Sunday, April 23, 2006

Life and the Estranged Self

It happens that sometimes the whole load of relationship goes off the mind, just a memory wipe out. And, the alienation is a state of inebriation with an estranged self that keeps occluded pressures of daily life. A new taste of same banality that is suddenly transformed in relishing moment. How does the morose things turn into the sticky skin embodying the self? This can only be perhaps seen as the pressures from day to day material life. But, more from the fact the appreciation of the very same matter is different for the two individuals who do not wish to subscribe to each other's understanding. The individualism has nothing to do it, here.
The fact is that value systems that individual inherits from one's social ecumene and cultural traits are the real forces that drive the serious discordants between the two. And, the effort to get something new out of it becomes a herculean task. The only answer left it to detach this self, which is no longer the individual self, but individual identity of social self. And, the tragedy is something similar to the Nutty Professor, inflating beyond proportions before bursting under the stress. One, only hopes to enjoy the thick filthy falbby self that is more personalised more lonesome and more detached to any sense of past personality cults.

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